
ElaN Languages

Marktplein 13 (In de buurt)
3550 Heusden-Zolder

Tel.: +32 (0)11 43 47 64
Fax: +32 (0)11 43 47 65
Ordernemings-/BTW-nr.: BE: 0453.420.164

ElaN Languages is a full-service language company. We get your message across through:

Language courses:

For language instruction, we only hire qualified and experienced language trainers who – in consultation with Elan – design, teach and evaluate custom-made language courses for you and your personnel, in a professional manner and at different levels. Each course is business-oriented and therefore meets your specific needs and requirements perfectly.


Thanks to our extensive network of more than 1000 specialised ‘native’ translators, we can offer the shortest possible deadlines without sacrificing quality, which can be decisive in your field too. We owe this to our unique quality control.